Latest News »The First meeting of the Task Force on elaboration of a Road Map for the BSEC Pilot Project on the introduction of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate
The First meeting of the Task Force on elaboration of a Road Map for the BSEC Pilot Project on the introduction of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate

The First meeting of the Task Force on elaboration of a Road Map for the BSEC Pilot Project on the introduction of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate

The First Meeting of the Task Force on Elaboration of a Road Map for the BSEC Pilot Project on the Introduction of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate was held in Istanbul, on 11 March 2013, which was chaired by Mr. Damir Ledencan, Head of International Road Transport Department, Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Serbia with the participation of the representatives of the Member States from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine, as well as representatives of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU). 

The meeting discussed the way for introduction of the IVWC, as well as existing weight certificate of CIS countries.  Armenia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia reiterated their readiness for participation to the Pilot Project as well as their willingness to cooperate with UNDP, IRU and BSEC-URTA for implementation the road map, which was proposed by BSEC-URTA(click here to see the Road Map).

It was also noted that other BSEC Member States are expected to inform the BSEC PERMIS on their readiness to participate the Pilot Project till 15 April 2013.

It was agreed in the meeting o organize the next meeting of in October-November 2013.

Please see the Report

Click here to view Meeting photos


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