Latest News »BSEC Council of Ministers approved the implementation of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate in the BSEC Region
BSEC Council of Ministers approved the implementation of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate in the BSEC Region

BSEC Council of Ministers approved the implementation of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate in the BSEC Region

The 29th Meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of BSEC Member States was held in Yerevan-Armenia on 12 December 2013. (See the List of Participants)

Taking into account the priorities of the Armenian Chairmanship of BSEC (1 July-31 December 2013):

      Promotion of economic cooperation

      Implementation of Economic Agenda

      Improvement of the efficiency of BSEC through a project oriented agenda,

the Ministers discussed and adopted the “Resolutions, Decisions and Recommendations”. (See the respective text Resolutions, Decisions and Recommendations)

As far as transport cooperation is concerned Ministers approved a fast track cooperation between Albania, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine on implementation of a BSEC Pilot project on Introduction of the International Vehicle Weight Certificate in BSEC region. (See the respective decision Fast Track Cooperation)

 At the same time Ministers noted the outcome of the BSEC transport related meetings and adopted several decisions in their regard. (See the respective decisions Review of the state of cooperation)

The Chairmanship of the BSEC organization for the period of 1 January- 30 June 2014 was passed from Republic of Armenia to the Republic of Bulgaria.


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