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Valued added to the BSEC Permit

Valued added to the BSEC Permit

15 April 2011 |The BSEC Member States participating to the BSEC Permit Pilot Project met in Istanbul o­n the occasion of the 5th Meeting of the BSEC Steering Committee for Facilitation of Road Transport of Goods, and agreed to extend the usage of this important facilitation tool for the international transport of goods in the region, to bilateral transport operations, too.
Six BSEC Member States, namely: Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Turkey agreed that actual quota of 200 Permits allocated to each of them for 2011 to be used o­n a voluntary basis not o­nly for transmit, but for bilateral transport operations, too.
Albania, which did not participate at the meeting, but is a Participating BSEC Member State to the Project, will send its position regarding the above mentioned issue to the BSEC Secretary General and according to our colleagues from ANALTIR will agree to use and allow the usage of the permit, as the 6 above mentioned countries already agreed.


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