Latest News »BSEC Transport Ministers commit to take actions for implementing Harmonization and TIR Conventions for Greening Transport
BSEC Transport Ministers commit to take actions for implementing Harmonization and TIR Conventions for Greening Transport

BSEC Transport Ministers commit to take actions for implementing Harmonization and TIR Conventions for Greening Transport

Sofia, 16 April 2014.

Ministers of Transport of 12 BSEC Member States met in Bulgaria, and adopted the "Sofia Joint Declaration on Greening Transport in BSEC Region".

The Ministers called for further developing the BSEC's close cooperation with IRU in the development and facilitation of international road transport in the region.

Sofia Declaration, among others, stressed the need for institutional and administrative reforms to effectively facilitate and harmonize the frontier controls of goods, containers, passengers and vehicles to significantly reduce border waiting times, whereby the Ministers specifically agreed to take necessary actions for implementing the key UN multilateral trade and transport facilitation instruments, notably the Harmonization and TIR Conventions.

BSEC Transport Ministers also gave full support to introduction of the UNECE International Vehicle Weight Certificate among the interested BSEC Member States under a new regional pilot project.

Click here  to read the BSEC-URTA President’s Statement

Click here  to see the Declaration

Click here  to see the List of Participants 


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