Latest News »Meeting of the Administrative Committee (AC3) for the Harmonization Convention-UNECE, Geneva, 9 October 2014
Meeting of the Administrative Committee (AC3) for the Harmonization Convention-UNECE, Geneva, 9 October 2014

Meeting of the Administrative Committee (AC3) for the Harmonization Convention-UNECE, Geneva, 9 October 2014

Geneva, 9 October 2014 - The Administrative Committee-AC3 of the International Convention on Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods congratulates Republic of Moldova for the fulfilment of the technical requirements for performing weighing procedures of goods transport vehicles and issue International Vehicle Weight Certificates (IVWC). At the same time AC3 notes with satisfaction that the first ever IVWC was issued by EURO-SERVICE Company in Moldova (authorized by the National Agency for Road Transport of Moldova) on 30 September 2014 for a road transport operation in transit through Ukraine and having destination Georgia, both recognizing the IVWC. AC3 welcomes the work done so far by the BSEC Organization, IRU and BSEC-URTA for launching the Pilot Project for introduction of the IVWC in the BSEC region and calls the contracting parties to the Harmonization Convention to consider joining this work. On the occasion of AC3 meeting and in regard the issuance of the first IVWC , the Director of Transport Division of UNECE , Ms Eva Molnar handed over to the representatives of Moldova (for issuing), Ukraine and Georgia (for recognition) appreciation diplomas and copies of the 1st ever  issued IVWC.


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