Latest News »26th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Istanbul on 28 November 2014
26th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Istanbul on 28 November 2014

26th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Istanbul on 28 November 2014

The 26th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Istanbul on 28 November 2014 and was honoured by the participation of the Deputy Secretary General of the BSEC Organization, H.E. Ambassador Traian Chebeleu, the Secretary General of IRU, Mr. Umberto De Pretto, the Deputy General Director for Road Transport of MoTMAC of Turkey, Mr. Hüseyin Yılmaz as well as the BSEC-URTA Honorary President Mr. Çetin Nuhoğlu.

General Assembly noted with interest the information on the Road Transport system in Turkey as presented by UND and contributed by Mr. Hüseyin Yılmaz.

The General Assembly thanked Member Associations and national authorities in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia for the historic issuance of the first IVWC in Moldova on 30 September 2014 and its subsequent recognition en route in Ukraine and Georgia. Also noted with appreciation UNECE-AC3 and the UNECE Transport Division recognize this historic development on the occasion of a special ceremony in Geneva on 9 October 2014. And called for other Participating States of the relevant BSEC Pilot Project, namely Albania, Armenia, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine, to follow Moldova in introducing the IVWC at national level. At the same time AITA expressed its appreciation to the BSEC-URTA management and the Secretariat for their support in introducing IVWC in Moldova and stressed that all Members should do more to promote this tool to the transport operators.

One of the important agendas of General Assembly was evaluation of the state of affairs regarding implementation of the TIR Convention in the BSEC region and expressed its disappointment for continuation by the Russian Federal Customs of the unilateral decision to impose additional guarantees to the goods under the coverage of the TIR Carnet entering the territory of Russian Federation. General Assembly thanked the IRU Secretary General, Mr. Umberto De Pretto for his informative presentation on this matter and requested the Member Associations to do more in convincing their Governments to pass a message to Russian Government for resolution of this problem as soon as possible and before 28 February 2015, which is the new deadline set by the Russian Government for the termination of the guarantee agreement between Federal Customs Administration and ASMAP.

BSEC-URTA General Assembly on its 26th Meeting re-elected Mr. Vladimir Florea as BSEC-URTA President with the term of office 1 January 2015-31 December 2016, and endorsed the proposal of BSEC-URTA President for Mr. Radu Dinescu as Deputy President for 2015-2016, as well as endorsed the nominations for the positions of two BSEC-URTA Vice-Presidents for 2015 made by ABADA (Mr. Tofiq Nurullayev) and GIRCA (Mr. Alexander Chkheidze).

In a conclusion, the Chairman thanked the BSEC PERMIS for the excellent organization of the meeting and the UND for the hospitality extended to all participants.

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