Latest News »27th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Bucharest on 9 May 2015
27th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Bucharest on 9 May 2015

27th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Bucharest on 9 May 2015

The 27th Meeting of the BSEC-URTA General Assembly was held in Bucharest, Romania on May 9, 2015 and was honored by the participation of the Deputy Secretary General of the BSEC Organization, H.E. Ambassador Traian Chebeleu, Senator of the Parliament of Romania and representative of PABSEC, Mr. Marian Vasilev, General Director for Road Transport of Ministry of Transport of Romania, Mrs. Adriana Kalapis and Senior Counsellor of Ministry of Transport of Romania, Mr. Eduard Ungureanu.

General Assembly noted with interest the information on the road transport system in Romania by Mr. Radu Dinescu, the Secretary General of UNTRR.

One of the Agendas of the General Assembly was the evaluation the stage of implementation of the BSEC MoU on Facilitation of Road Transport of Goods in the BSEC Region and as was noted by the Steering Committee in its last meeting on the 6 April, 2015 in Istanbul the deadline was updated in the timetable for MoU and underlined that several measures should be taken in order to achieve MoU Objectives. The General Assembly mandated the BSEC-URTA President to participate in the Meeting of Ministers of Transport of BSEC Member States to be held in Chisinau on 14 May, 2015 and to call on Ministers to ensure appropriate measures for implementation of BSEC Transport related Memoranda.

According to the information of the International Secretariat on Multimodal Transport in the Black Sea Region there is a constant increase of containers movement between the BSEC Member States and between the BSEC Member States and China, Pakistan and UAE as countries which soon will become contracting parties to the TIR Convention and the Secretariat was instructed to continue working with IRU and BSEC PERMIS for developing a Pilot Project on application of the TIR system in Multimodal Transport in the Black Sea region (for more details, please click here to view the document).

In a conclusion, the Chairman thanked the UNTRR for the excellent organization of the meeting and the hospitality extended to all participants.

Click here to see the Decisions (ENG)

Click here to see the Decisions (RUS)



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