Latest News »The 1st meeting of the BSEC-URTA ad hoc Working Party on Passenger Transport
The 1st meeting of the BSEC-URTA ad hoc Working Party on Passenger Transport

The 1st meeting of the BSEC-URTA ad hoc Working Party on Passenger Transport

The 1st meeting of the BSEC-URTA ad hoc Working Party on Passenger Transport was held at EXPO Centre in Istanbul on 15 April 2016.

Six BSEC-URTA Members, IRU and BSEC Related Bodies attended this meeting.

The last BSEC-URTA General Assembly in Istanbul on 3 December 2015, agreed that it is necessary to review and update organisational structure and scope of activities for a stronger Union.

In view of the foregoing, it was decided to set up an ad hoc Working Party on Passenger Transport within the BSEC-URTA in order to serve as a platform for Member Associations and Observers to exchange information, experiences and join forces for the development of international road passenger transport across the BSEC region.

All participants agreed that the ad hoc Working Party would constitute an important regional Pilot Project, which should be guided by clear objectives and a specific Working Programme for 2016-2017 as the first step.

Member Associations gave support to the Working Party and stressed that the problems are common in the region and the duty is to find solutions to these problems based on the common benefit of all sides.


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