Latest News »Round Table on the Computerization of the TIR System, Odessa on 6 September 2017
Round Table on the Computerization of the TIR System, Odessa on 6 September 2017

Round Table on the Computerization of the TIR System, Odessa on 6 September 2017

Round Table on the Computerization of the TIR System, Odessa on 6 September 2017


The Round Table on Computerization of the TIR System within the Framework of the XVIII International Conference “International Road Transport — Problems, Solutions, Prospects” was held in Odessa, Ukraine on 06 September 2017 being jointly organized by ASMAP UA and IRU and having the participation of BSEC-URTA.

Participants emphasized that today`s speed in the development of the international trade and transport cannot any more relay on paper based documents and in this regard it is a must computerization of procedures established under the UN agreements and conventions, namely, the implementation of e-CMR, the digital consignment note, and eTIR, the new generation of the global customs transit system.

At the same time the meeting called on governments of the region and beyond, on international organizations and on all stakeholders concerned by the development of sustainable road transport to:

o   further update national legislation to comply with the international provisions and standards contained in UN conventions and agreements, as well as in the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, providing seamless cross-border transport and transit;

o   implement and promote the use of technological innovations in road transport, in particular by encouraging the transition to the digitalisation of transport documents, first of all in international transport;

o   further promote the existing TIR tools – iCarnet (a guarantee for customs transit between customs authorities of the same country), TIR+ (increased guarantee under TIR), eTIR (electronic TIR procedure), engaging subcontractors under the TIR procedure, launching intermodal pilot projects under the coverage of TIR System, TIR-EPD (TIR Electronic Pre-Declaration);

o   join new eTIR pilots, aimed at paperless TIR and run by IRU together with the UNECE, as well as launch a fully electronic procedure on transport corridors of BSEC, TRACECA and GUAM, connecting Ukraine with Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan;

o   accede to and implement the electronic consignment note (e-CMR) Protocol of the UN’s Convention on goods road transport, the CMR.

As a result of the Round Tablet the Protocol was signed and disseminated all the participants for further implementation of the decisions on national and regional levels.


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