Latest News »The 43d Meeting of the BSEC-URTA Management Council: Evaluation of the Results, Determining the Challenges
The 43d Meeting of the BSEC-URTA Management Council: Evaluation of the Results, Determining the Challenges

The 43d Meeting of the BSEC-URTA Management Council: Evaluation of the Results, Determining the Challenges

The 43d meeting of the BSEC-URTA Management Council took place in Tirana International Hotel 12 October 2017 in Tirana, Albania. Under the chairmanship of the BSEC-URTA President Ms. Asli Gozutok  Deputy President Mr. Georgi Petarneychev, Vice President Mr. Ilirjan Mataj, Honorary President Mr. Vladimir Florea, Member of the Board Ms. Liliana Sarafidis (on behalf of Mr. Radu Dinescu) and Secretary General Mr. Haydar Ozkan gathered to evaluate  the results of work done since the previous meeting of Management Council and to determine the challenges the BSEC-URTA will face in the future.

The Management Council approved the Activity Report on BSEC-URTA Priorities for 2017 and agreed to submit it to the consideration to the 32nd General Assembly of BSEC-URTA and decided to identify the short term priorities for 2018 at its next meeting according to feedback of the Members and Observers. At the same time the conclusions of the IRU-AsMAP-UA International Road Transport Conference and the Round Table on IRU-BSEC-URTA-BSEC work priorities under the Ukrainian Chairmanship of BSEC organized in Odessa on 6-7 September 2017 were evaluated. The Management Council agreed to submit them to the General Assembly for consideration and exchange of views for adequate follow up and implementation.

The report of the 5th Meeting of the ad hoc Working Party on Insurance held in Istanbul on 28 August 2017 was considered and the agreement to invite the General Assembly to undertake comprehensive deliberations in order to support the Ad Hoc Working Party with specific decisions and instructions as it required was achieved. The review and endorsement of the draft Memorandum of Understanding between ISTAC and BSEC-URTA was done and recommendations of its approval by the General Assembly were elaborated. The draft BSEC-URTA Working Programme for 2018 was also considered.


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