Latest News »The renewal of the BSEC-URTA Sectoral Dialogue Partnership Status with BSEC
The renewal of the BSEC-URTA Sectoral Dialogue Partnership Status with BSEC

The renewal of the BSEC-URTA Sectoral Dialogue Partnership Status with BSEC

In BSEC Headquarters in Istanbul on 18-19 October 2017 the Seminar on Trade and Transport Facilitation in the BSEC Region was held back-to-back with the Steering Committee of Facilitation of Road Transport of Goods. The events were jointly organized by BSEC, IRU and BSEC-URTA.

At the conclusion of the Seminar, participants formulated a number of relevant recommendations, stressing the importance of implementation of the Memoranda of Understanding on the Coordinated Development of the Black Sea Ring Highway, Development of the Motorways of the Sea and Facilitation of the Road Transport of Goods in the BSEC Region.

Among the essential items for discussion on Steering Committee meeting was Implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on Facilitation of Road Transport of Goods at the BSEC region.

The Republic of Moldova prolonged its chairmanship of the Steering Committee for the next one- year term as of 19 October 2017. The decision of Moldova was welcomed and unanimously supported.

The participants of Steering Committee also provided support for the renewal of the Sectoral Dialogue Partner status to the BSEC-URTA as of 1 January 2018.

For more detailed information about the Seminar, please click here to see the Summary Proceedings.


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