Latest News »Ms. Asli Gozutok in IRU Presidential Executive
Ms. Asli Gozutok in IRU Presidential Executive

Ms. Asli Gozutok in IRU Presidential Executive

President of BSEC-URTA Ms. Asli Gozutok was elected as a member of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) Presidential Executive (Board). BSEC-URTA Members and International Secretariat congratulate her with this achievement and express their pride.

The IRU General Assembly was held in Geneva (Switzerland) on 10 November 2017. Members of the IRU Presidential Executive were elected for 2018-2019 term of office. President of BSEC-URTA Ms. Asli Gozutok took her place among them. 

Presidential Executive as of 1 January 2018

Christian Labrot, BWVL e V., Germany

Vice Presidents
Radu Dinescu, UNTRR, Romania
Jos Sales, FLEAA, Luxembourg

Nominated by Passenger Transport Council
Leonid Kostiuchenko, AsMAP UA, Ukraine
Christiane Leonard, BDO, Germany 

Nominated by Goods Transport Council
Jan Buczek, ZMPD, Poland
Arthur van Dijk, TLN Netherlands
Bekmyrat Eyeberdiev, THADA, Turkmenistan
Aslı Gözütok, TOBB, Turkey
Andrey Kurushin, ASMAP, Russia

Passenger Transport Council 

Jos Sales, President, FLEAA, Luxembourg

Vice Presidents
Christiane Leonard, BDO, Germany
Anna Grønlund, SBF, Sweden

Goods Transport Council

Radu Dinescu, UNTRR, Romania

Vice Presidents
Emil Milev, AMERIT, FYROM, Macedonia
Natalia Vysotskaya, BAMAP, Belarus

The IRU Presidential Executive (Board) is the team that acts on all the decisions taken by the IRU General Assembly.

For more information, please click here.


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