Latest News »The Deepest Condolences for GIRCA Honorary President Mr. Alexandr Chkheidze
The Deepest Condolences for GIRCA Honorary President Mr. Alexandr Chkheidze

The Deepest Condolences for GIRCA Honorary President Mr. Alexandr Chkheidze

BSEC-URTA International Secretariat expresses its deepest and heartfelt condolences to the family of Alexandr Petrovich Chkheidze, and to all staff of the Georgian International Road Carriers Association (GIRCA).

Mr. Chkheidze was a wonderful leader who understood the meaning of the word "team". He was always more focused on the good of the work and people around him than on his own benefit.

He made remarkable contribution to the GIRCA Association and BSEC-URTA and helped the organisations move forward in numerous ways. His work, his ideas and dreams will not be forgotten.

He was a remarkable man and everyone at our Union is better for having known him. For those of us who had the privilege of calling him "friend" outside of work, there was chance to be embraced by his kindness and compassion.

Mr. Chkheidze will be greatly missed and everyone here is saddened by his death.

As Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli wrote It’s not difficult to taste joy, It’s better to be strong in grief. We sincerely share the grief and mourn.


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