Latest News »BSEC-URTA Stands at the Origins of Silk Road Rebirth
BSEC-URTA Stands at the Origins of Silk Road Rebirth

BSEC-URTA Stands at the Origins of Silk Road Rebirth

BSEC-URTA Secretary General Mr. Adrian Albu took part in the World Transport Convention Forum (WTC 2018) and in its framework the founding meeting of Belt Road International Transport Alliance (BRITA) which are held in Beiling, China, on 18-21 June 2018.

WTC covers the whole technical aspects of transport systems, ranging from policy and planning to design and construction, from operations and management to cross-cutting issues. WTC attracts over 5,000 attendees from China and abroad representing governments, universities, research institutes, consulting companies, contractors and non-governmental organisations etc. in the transport fields.

Activities organized during WTC 2018 include plenary sessions with high level keynote addresses, technical parallel sessions and thematic sessions on latest advance and hot topics, as well as the exhibition by showcasing the latest products, services and technologies in the transport areas.

The Belt and Road International Transport Alliance (BRITA) is the initiative of Chinese government focusing on the rebirth of Silk Road. It had its first preparatory meeting on 18 June 2018 with BSEC-URTA participation.


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