Latest News »BSEC-URTA deals with expanding secure truck parking concept in BSEC Region
BSEC-URTA deals with expanding secure truck parking concept in BSEC Region

BSEC-URTA deals with expanding secure truck parking concept in BSEC Region

A BSEC-URTA delegation to discuss about implementation of the secure truck parking concept in the region visited BSEC PERMIS on 31 August 2020.

BSEC Secretary General H.E. Ambassador Michael B. Christides chaired the meeting. BSEC-URTA was represented by the Secretary General, Adrian Albu and the Deputy Secretary General, Alpdogan Kahraman.

The meeting was also attended as guests by IRU Istanbul Delegation`s Commercial Account Executive, Erman Ereke and GTI Business Operations Manager, Ali Nehir Yucel.

A movie prepared by BSEC-URTA showing the infrastructure and administration procedures at the GTI Parking area at the Kapikule border crossing point was presented to the meeting. The participants agreed that this good example should be further promoted by BSEC PERMIS and BSEC-URTA to the governments of BSEC Member States and to the European Commission.

Besides, BSEC-URTA Secretary General Adrian Albu stressed on the need to be implemented by EU electronic format visas for professional drivers as well as to be removed of all unnecessary, discriminatory, time consuming and costly procedures at borders such as the disinfection procedures of trucks at the Turkish –Bulgarian borders.


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