Latest News »Simplification and harmonization of procedures and documents – the first necessity to move on
Simplification and harmonization of procedures and documents – the first necessity to move on

Simplification and harmonization of procedures and documents – the first necessity to move on

BSEC-URTA Secretary General Mr. Adrian Albu has addressed General Directorates in charge of Road Transport Regulation from Ministries of Transport from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Turkey in a closed door round table session during the 12th Transport and Communication Forum, hosted by the Turkish Ministry of Transport on 7 October 2021. The meeting was also attended by representatives of international organizations such as BSEC, ECO, IRU and BSEC-URTA.

Mr. Adrian Albu highlighted the great achievements in the last 15 years of Ministry of Transport and Communication of Turkey in the development of the national transport infrastructure in particular the roads, tunnels and bridges as well as in up grating and modernization of major border crossing points.

He stressed that next to the development of the road infrastructure, simplification and harmonization of procedures and documents should also be closely followed in order to reduce the waiting times at borders and at loading and unloading places.

Measures of lockdown, quarantine, testing, taken by governments during Covid-19 Pandemic have much shacked the road transport industry and showed that we need proper and efficient coordination of actions for implementation of cross border sanitary measures, giving transport workers priority access to vaccinations, electronic COVID certificate and of usage existing UN facilitation instruments, in particular electronic TIR and CMR, as well as e-permits and e-visas, to avoid physical contact at all steps of an international road transport operation.


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The BSEC-URTA International Secretariat sincerely congratulates you!