Latest News »Finalizing the routing of the future Black Sea Ring Highway
Finalizing the routing of the future Black Sea Ring Highway

Finalizing the routing of the future Black Sea Ring Highway

The 6th Meeting of the Steering Committee on the Development of the Black Sea Ring Highway was held in Rostov-on-Don, the Russian Federation, on 27 September 2011. 

The participants continued to elaborate on the main route of the Black Sea Ring Highway, the technical secretariat proposing the routing between Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Romania to have two branches as follows:

  • From Odessa – Izmail – Reni to Bucharest through Galati – Braila – Buzau  and
  • From Odessa through Chisinau to Bucharest

In this regard concerned national authorities should officially inform the Steering Committee about their decision by the end of October 2011.

Representatives of IRU and BSEC-URTA requested that IRU Model Highway Initiative (MHI) should be considered as integral part in development of ancillary infrastructure along the BSRH. The Steering committee decided to include the issue of creating the Model Highway along the BSRH sections into the future project of the Master-Plan.

Please see the Report.

Please see the Press Release by the BSEC.


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